IMPORTANT: For Athletes Age 12-23 Who Want To Maximize Their Potential

Former NFL WR Chad Beebe Reveals System

To Maximize Performance

Answer these quick questions below to unlock a FREE customized training video from Chad!

Legacy Mindset Assessment

Instructions: For each statement, rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is "Strongly Disagree" and 5 is "Strongly Agree." Be honest with yourself as you consider each statement in the context of your athletic and personal experiences.

1. I view setbacks and failures as opportunities for learning and growth.* Required field!
2. I can quickly recover from a poor performance and refocus for the next challenge.* Required field!
3. I maintain a positive attitude, even when facing prolonged challenges or adversity.* Required field!
4. I consistently set the standard in order to stay motivated.* Required field!
5. I effectively manage distractions, both external (crowd noise) and internal (personal thoughts).* Required field!
6. I stay present in the moment, avoiding dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future outcomes* Required field!
7. I am open to trying new training methods and incorporating feedback from coaches. Required field!
8. I embrace uncertainty and view unexpected challenges as opportunities to showcase my adaptability.* Required field!
9. I maintain a consistent level of intensity without being overly emotional during competitions.* Required field!
10. I use setbacks and challenges as motivation rather than letting them negatively impact my emotions.* Required field!

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